22-0132R Resolution regarding draft MOU between BPD and Johns Hopkins to establish JHUPD

On Monday, Sept 12 I will introduce a resolution for a hearing regarding the draft MOU between the Baltimore Police Department and the Johns Hopkins University to establish the JHUPD.

In 2018, —- state law authorized the establishment of the Johns Hopkins University Police. This would be a private police force with an agreement between BPD and JHU on training, powers, communications protocols, and more. The law also established boundaries that the JHU police can go in and around the Homewood, East Baltimore Hospital, and Peabody Conservatory campuses only. They are only authorized 100 officers.

Once the draft MOU is released, there are three public hearings to get feedback. The state law allows for the Baltimore City Council to comment on the MOU. In order for us to comment using the full information, I am introducing this hearing to ensure that we have the full information for our comments.

It is no secret that I have been opposed to JHU police for various reasons. This hearing is simply a time to share all of the information, including the state law and what it allows, the MOU itself, and the BPD’s comments. The City Council has no power to vote on this MOU as it stands now.

The link to the hearing will be posted once it is scheduled.


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