Baltimore Budget - Tax Payers Night and Hearing Schedule

Baltimore City Budget - Tax Payer's Night May 27th

Baltimore's Budget is being introduced this evening. There are three parts to the introduction (a) the budget itself called the Ordinance of Estimates, (b) the ordinance that sets the property tax rate, and (c) the Baltimore City Schools budget.

Residents can voice their opinions about the budget during Tax Payer's Night on May 27th at 5pm. Here is the link to sign up and participate. We want to hear from you about your vision and values - as the budget is a values document. What we fund should reflect our priorities and values.

There will be agency by agency budget hearings from 9am-9pm starting June 1 through June 7th. I am not on the Ways and Means Committee but will be attending and asking questions at every hearing. The link to the budget hearings is not yet available, but we will add it here next week.

We have to pass the budget by June 25th so thee will be several City Council meetings between now and then.

Please feel free to tell me how you feel about the budget by emailing me here.


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