District 14 Virtual Town Hall - Earth Day!

I was so excited to have Tree Baltimore, Blue Water Baltimore, and Clean Air Baltimore with me during our District 14 Virtual Town hall last week. Here is the full video.

Leanna Powell presented for Blue Water Baltimore which concentrates on cleaning our water ways - Jones Falls, Patapsco, Back River, Herring Run, and Gwynns Falls. They host tree plantings and host a tree nursery at Herring Run park, work on clean ups in these water ways. Click here for their website.

Dante Swinton and Stephanie Compton presented from Clean Air Baltimore. This organization works to reduce waste and close the Baltimore incinerator. They are promoting more composting, recycling, and deconstruction not demolition in order to reduce our waste stream. We talked about the new recycling cans coming from Mayor Scott, and the new DPW director whose background is Zero Waste. Here is the website to learn more.

Ted Martello from Tree Baltimore explained the goal of getting to 40% tree canopy - Baltimore is at 23%. Tree Baltimore works to get more trees to people, handing out free trees often. We also talked about tree buckling the sidewalks and how that gets repaired. Tree Baltimore will be in District 14 for a flowering tree give-a-way at Wyman Park! Click here for more activities and details.


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