Goals for 2023

2022 allowed us to continue to build a good foundation by continuing to learn, work through issues in our district, and push for reforms at the systems level.

In 2023 you will see from our office:

Constituent and Neighborhood services:

  • Continue to ensure the problems you bring to us in our neighborhoods are resolved. We have been working on illegal dumping, challenging neighbors, water main breaks, tree trimming and removal, traffic calming, and more. We will continue to do this work, and do it better than ever.

  • Fulfill your traffic calming requests. With the increase in funding that Councilwoman Ramos and colleagues worked on from the state, our requests should be fulfilled within the next 3 years. We will continue to communicate where we are on all of your requests.

  • The forestry division is working through it’s backlog of tree requests and we continue to monitor these situations and escalate.

  • Work with our older adults aging in place to ensure they can age with dignity with home repair, health care, estate planning, Homeowner’s Tax Credit reform, and more.

  • Bring back the Clean, Green, District 14 work to remove trash in our neighborhoods and on our Olmestead medians.

  • Support our schools, small businesses, and neighborhoods.

  • Co-sponsor the Waverly Book Festival (soon to be the Baltimore Book Festival!)

Citywide legislation and initiatives:

  • Sponsor and pass legislation to address vacant and abandoned properties. We laid an awesome foundation in 2022 by passing several pieces of legislation and advocating for the use of and the City’s capacity to conduct In Rem foreclosures. However, more must be done, including raising the funds, creating a Land Bank to efficiently dispose of properties after acquisition through In Rem system, expanding In Rem, and advocating strongly for this to be our city’s top priority. Stay tuned for all of this.

  • Continue to push for flood mitigation in the district and citywide. While we work diligently with DPW and DOT on the construction that will need to be done to address 35th and Hillen flooding, we are partnering with Councilman Burnett to address flood mitigation citywide with new legislation coming forth on zoning and acquisition of lots to ensure flooding does not get worse.

  • Work with colleagues to pass the legislation we’ve been working on the past two years, including Inclusionary Housing, Tenant Opportunity to Purchase, and more.

  • Advocate through our platform for housing for all, and public safety.

  • Continue work on tax sale reform to ensure no one loses their homes because they cannot pay the taxes. Legislation from the tax sale working group will be introduced at the General Assembly level before we can introduce it at the city level.

  • Represent your interests in the upcoming Budget and Capital Budget processes.

We always want to hear from you, please email us at odette.ramos@baltimorecity.gov or call 410-396-4814.


90 Seconds with Odette


The FY 2024 Budget season starts now! Your input needed!