Lake Montebello Sinkhole updates

Update Number 4 - Monday, November 21, 2022

Dear Neighbors:

It has been 10 days since our last update. The work to repair the 132 year old storm water pipe is underway. That work will also include the sink hole area, and stabilize the water main. This work could take weeks or months. Our water system is working fine, and I have yet to hear any reports of low water pressure. We will keep you updated if there are any changes. Here is the most recent update from DPW.

Update Number 3 - Friday, November 11, 2022, 7pm

Dear Neighbors:

I am pleased to provide you with this update about the sinkhole at Lake Montebello that was discovered on Wednesday afternoon and is the result of a compromised storm water pipe. The resulting sinkhole caused an 84 inch drinking water pipe to become unstable. You can see the previous updates about this as you scroll down this email.

This afternoon, the Department of Public Works and Mayor's Office have confirmed that repairs continue to the storm water pipe and the area around the 84 inch main at Lake Montebello near the Montebello Treatment Plant. The 84 inch drinking water pipe is out of service. Our high quality drinking water is being delivered through a 48 inch main which has been properly flushed and tested. The transfer of water to this temporary main has been successful.

Please note that the northwest part of the loop around Lake Montebello is completely blocked. This is for the safety of the users of the lake, and so that DPW has enough room to work. We welcome you to Lake Montebello for your exercise and enjoyment, just know that the entire loop is not available.

We will provide continued updates as we get them. Here is the most recent update from the Department of Public Works.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me should you have questions or concerns.

Update Message from November 10, 2022 around midnight:

Dear Neighbors:

I am writing this email late at night to let you know that Baltimore's Department of Public Works has decided to take the 84 inch water main that is near the sinkhole at Lake Montebello offline. DPW has placed a 48 inch water main back on line to make sure that all residents have water.

The 48 inch pipe was shut down when the North Ave sink hole occurred. It has been flushed, tested several times, and is clear to hold our drinking water until such time that our original pipe can be placed back online.

This also means that some residents will experience lower than normal water pressure. You should not be alarmed by this, as it is temporary.

Here is the statement from the Department of Public Works issued this evening.

Once again, I'm available for any questions or concerns you may have. I will be on site at Lake Montebello most of the day and will continue to provide updates to you directly.

Original message: Thursday, November 10th at 3:13pm

Dear Neighbors:

Yesterday, the Department of Public Works discovered a sink hole along Lake Montebello between the road around the lake and the water treatment plant.

The sinkhole is the result of a severely compromised storm water pipe that we discovered several months ago when investigating the cause of the flooding on 35th St and Hillen Road. The storm water pipe was built in 1888 and holds the Tiffany Run, as well as storm water. The compromised pipe has caused the ground to be unstable, and that's how this sinkhole was formed.

DPW, along with crews from our nearby counties, are working diligently to stabilize the area where the water main is located. I am very confident that the DPW team, the contractors, and partners working on this are excellent and we will have a good outcome.

For now, pedestrian access to the area will be limited and at times prohibited. You may not be able to get around the entire lake if you are walking, cycling, skating, etc. in the area. Please note that this is for your safety and to give the DPW team the ability to work on this important issue. It is temporary. You can read DPW's statement here.

As this is directly impacting our district, I will continue to provide you with updates. I will be on top of this situation.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.


90 Seconds with Odette 11.14.2022


90 Seconds with Odette