Vacant property legislation part 5 - Baltimore City Permit Office

Today, I am introducing a resolution for a hearing to review the Baltimore City permits office. This is the office that homeowners and developers go to for building permits.

We have had complaints in our office from both homeowners and developers about the slow processing times, the inspections, and more. Some contractors claim they won’t do business here or will charge more to do business here because of the permit office. This leaves residents with few choices or more expenses. I have several examples in my district where there are delays in processing, the plans are approved and then fail inspection, and other issues that have cost homeowners and businesses time and money.  

We know that the Department of Housing and Community Development is working on reforms of the permit office. This hearing is designed to allow for DHCD to outline their reforms, hear from the public, and understand how we can assist in addressing this pressing issue.


Baltimore Marathon goes through the 14th District Saturday, Oct 15


90 Seconds with Odette - 10/3/22