Action Alert! Keep Clifton Park and Darley Park in District 14!!

Every 10 years after the Census and before the next election, the City Council has to consider new boundaries based on the Census data. Mayor Scott introduced the first map last week and the City Council has days to take action. Redistricting is important so that each district is about 41,000 people and diverse. There are some significant changes this year as some districts lost population, while others gained population. In the 14th District, the changes include:

  • Losing the precinct with Clifton Park and Darley Park (8-004)

  • Losing the precinct with Guilford (12-002)

  • Gaining the precinct with Harwood (12-007)

I am asking for your assistance in keeping the Clifton Park and Darley Park precinct. Please send an email to the Mayor and to the City Council President to let them know how important it is to keep this precinct in the 14th District! They can be reached by email at and

Talking points include:

  • Precinct 8-004 has always been in the 14th District from the creation of 14 districts in 2002.

  • Clifton Park is connected to Coldstream Homestead Montebello intimately, in that the community has advocated for significant improvements in Clifton Park and having the same councilperson for both makes the advocacy more impactful and effective.

  • Significant work has been done in the past three years as I’ve been the Councilwoman, including advocacy for maintenance of the park, traffic calming, improved oversight of the use of the park, remodeled Band Shell (forthcoming), new Lake Clifton Stadium (forthcoming), and Morgan’s purchase of Lake Clifton campus which will transform the area. We have to keep up the momentum! Having Clifton Park and Darley Park in District 14 is essential for improvements.

  • Darley Park would be in two districts like it is now, 12 and 14. This is an area in need of specific and significant intervention, and having the advocacy of two councilmembers will benefit Darley Park greatly.

  • Darley Park increases the diversity of District 14 and has always been part of the fabric of the district and should not be moved!

Here is the link to the interactive tool to help guide everyone’s discussions.

Thanks for taking the time to send in your thoughts to our Mayor and Council President!


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