VBN Awareness Campaign

Last week the Department of Housing and Community Development and our office launched a campaign to educate potential homebuyers, realtors, and title companies to do some research to determine if the property still has a vacant building notice on it before buying the property.

Despite my bill 21-0078 that requires sellers to disclose if a property still as a Vacant Building Notice, more and more complaints have come in that new homebuyers discover problems with their homes or citations. To avoid purchasing a fully renovated home that has a vacant building notice, we are asking homebuyers and realtors to ask themselves "Does this building have a vacant building notice?" and to look on Codemap to make that determination.

Check out this fact sheet and we'll continue to grow the campaign throughout the City in the coming days.

Take a look at the video below.


90 Seconds with Odette


Older Adult Symposium Oct 21st