State of Emergency Lifted, what is back to “normal”?

Last Thursday, Governor Hogan lifted the statewide State of Emergency and Baltimore followed suit. However, not everything is back to "normal" and some things will never go back to what it once was. I have compiled a list of items that are back to normal and others that are not. This list will continue to be updated as we get more guidance:

  • Lake Montebello will be closed to vehicular traffic forever. An official announcement is coming soon.

  • Carry-out cocktails has ended. You must consume cocktails from restaurants on premises.

  • Peak-hour parking restrictions are not in place. You do not have to move your car during rush hour (for now).

  • Agencies with in-person customer service will be open to the public on August 15th.

  • City Council will go back to City Hall in September, and is working on a hybrid virtual/in person model for committee and Council meetings.

  • Rec Centers and pools will continue to have limited space.

  • Mask order is rescinded, but some businesses are still requiring masks, so please adhere to their rules. Schools are also still requiring masks. Also our little ones do not have a vaccine yet, so please be conscious about them.


Update on Y expansion, Y Playground, and Greenspace


90 Seconds with Odette 6.28.2021